It takes a lot of memory building to create my work. In sculpting, I use physical touch to understand my subject matter, and to recreate the textures and shapes my fingers find. In my two-dimensional work, I build a memory within my wrists while striking layer upon layer of ink to create the final textured rendering. The clay is malleable and the ink indelible, but both require purpose and tactility.

This act of creating is vital for me, as the compassion I build for my references becomes something I can apply to my own life, sometimes even to myself. Each piece starts from a place of self-reflection and there is no greater joy for me than to witness my audience see themselves reflected in these expressions, each one a facet of my own experience. Ultimately, I seek to build connection. That can be hard with people, but animals are free of the visual biases we carry and present as humans. We all yearn to connect. Perhaps by doing so, when we see ourselves in the face of another animal, we can collaboratively reach the deeper truths of our own histories and natures. Perhaps by finding compassion within ourselves, we can collectively become better stewards of our worlds. 


